Kanye is a wild man!
— Darius Johnson-Odom (@KingMe_DJ1) October 10, 2013
Kanye is a genius! I wish I could go on random rants like him daily..
— Quincy Pondexter (@QuincyPondexter) October 10, 2013
Valid point’s from kanye. …..I love the fact he said , don’t think for 1 second im not from Chicago, lmao — Tony Allen (@aa000G9) October 10, 2013
Haaaaaa. Kanye was on there so long, they had to reschedule the other guest.. #neverseenthatbefore — Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) October 10, 2013
Kanye West was very poignant in making his points to Kimmel as well as the viewing public.
It’s easy to see both sides of the fence. He can, at times, seem abrasive and egotistical, but he is also very thoughtful and profound.
Kimmel truly provided an outlet for West to really sit down and discuss his struggles as a creative artist, celebrity and African-American. It was quite insightful.
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Michael writes the Tweet of the Day for SheridanHoops.com.