Not only will you get some historical perspective in this podcast on the personal hell long-time Philadelphia 76ers fans have gone through coming out of blockbuster trades, but you’ll also hear a story about a baseball player — a well-known one– who used to carry a photograph in his wallet of his favorite gun.
Anthony Gargano and I go back a long way, to the days when we were both covering the New York Mets at the old Shea Stadium — Gargano for the New York Post; myself for the Associated Press. Anthony has moved on to a glamorous career as a radio host, including his current gig with Fox Sports Radio.
The thing with Gargano is: He is a Philly guy, through and through. He remembers what happened when the Sixers traded Charles Barkley at the peak of his career; and the time — and this one was worse — when they sent Moses Malone and two No. 1 picks to Washington for Jeff Ruland, who played all of 5 games for the Sixers before a knee injury forced him to retire.
Those types of names and histories are popping up again following the shocking news from Bynum that both of his knees are injured. He sprung this news on the team via the Sixers beat writers after going for his own MRI on Thursday.
And what once looked like a likely December return has now become a questionable January return, to put it optimistically. In the end, it’ll be interesting to see whether Bynum or Derrick Rose returns first (we have a poll up asking that very question if you click here while listening to the latest concerning Bynum … and the NBA-leading Memphis Grizzlies.
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(RELATED: News story on Bynum’s injury)
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I haven’t listed to it yet, but did you and Gargano not even mention the Roy Hinson and cash trade to give Cleveland the first in the entire draft? Really?
I meant listened …
That was an unbelievable draft. It was the second year of the lottery and through trades the Sixers and Celts ended up with the 1-2 picks. Philly made the Malone trade (he was feuding with owner Harold Katz) and the Hinson trade (passing on a chance to draft Brad Daugherty who was no Malone but certainly a good center). The Celtics drafted Len Bias and the Boston papers and fans were laughing at Philly’s moves for two days – when Bias OD’d on coke and died. And I think the third pick was Chris Washburn by GSW. Nice jobs all around.
Oh, God, I remember watching an all star game a year or two after that. The front court was composed of Barkley, Daugherty and Malone. Of course the announcer said that could have been Philly’s starting front line.
I died a little that day.