Rain washed out three ballgames yesterday and another was suspended. The Reds and Mets will resume in the seventh inning tied 1-1 and finish that one before starting today’s game. [Read more…]
Rain washed out three ballgames yesterday and another was suspended. The Reds and Mets will resume in the seventh inning tied 1-1 and finish that one before starting today’s game. [Read more…]
All the Guaranteed Prize Pools at DraftKings on Saturday close Early (2:10 ET; 10 games) or Late (7:15; 4 games) and I’m taking a simple approach in the evening. [Read more…]
We got a few things right on Wednesday and a whole lot wrong. Nobody expected the Cubs to win 17-0 in Cleveland. Or was that the Bears over the Browns? [Read more…]